Booking Conditions
All reservations are made by and with
Riverside Shuttle (Riverside)
The booking has been confirmed by the
Riverside agent and a confirmation sent.
Riverside and their agents reserves the
right to decline any booking.
You are required to take out
an insurance to provide adequate cover
for medical expenses, personal accident,
loss of baggage and curtailment or cancellation
of trip. It is the responsibility of all
individuals to finance on-the-spot medical
treatment and other contingencies, then
to reclaim this from their insurance on
return, and to ensure that they have adequate
protection for expensive equipment. Please
keep details of all the documentation
which may be necessary when making a claim.
These conditions and any contract to which
they apply are governed in all respects
by Tanzanian law and only Tanzanian Courts
shall have jurisdiction in relation to
any claim or dispute arising out of or
connected with them or any such contract.
it client responsibility to have visa
and other imigration procedures to East